
Hindi christian testimony
Hindi christian testimony

hindi christian testimony

Sadhu Sundar Singh is called the “Apostle with Bleeding Feet” since he would often go from one place to another, in bare feet, to talk about Jesus. Nobody knows exactly what happened to him. His friends searched for him but his body could not be found. He walked several miles beyond Badrinath on rugged, snowy mountain paths. In 1929, Sadhu Sundar Singh was on his way to Tibet with some other traders. They were written in Urdu and translated by different authors. Listed below are some of the books he wrote. He wrote a number of books during this time. Towards the end of his life, he had many health issues due to excessive traveling.

hindi christian testimony

Despite his growing fame, Sadhu Sundar Singh remained modest, desiring only to follow Jesus’ example: to repay the kindness and win his enemies by love. In addition to India and Tibet, he toured Sri Lanka, Europe, Middle East, and America. He was a gifted preacher and attracted hundreds of people whenever he spoke.

hindi christian testimony

He visited Malaysia, Japan, and China between the years 1918-1919. Sundar traveled extensively all over India and Tibet. He wanted to be like the Sadhus, which are commonly seen in India wearing such customary saffron clothes. He was convinced this was the approach to introduce Jesus Christ to his people in India and the surrounding regions. As a Sadhu, he wore a yellow robe, lived on the charity, abandoned his possessions, and maintained celibacy. At that time, he chose to become a Christian Sadhu, so he could dedicate himself to full-time service for the Lord. In 1905, on his 16th birthday, Sundar was baptized in an English church in Shimla. The true Christian is like sandalwood, which imparts its fragrance to the axe which cuts it, without doing any harm in return… This was wonderful a life-changing event for Sundar, though his family ostracized him for his newfound faith. The vision disappeared but the joy remained and the peace lingered. As he knelt down and prayed, he had miraculous peace and joy in his heart, which he had never experienced before. Sundar realized it was indeed Jesus in his vision and that he is still alive today. He was expecting to see some of the traditional gods whom he worshipped, but he saw Jesus instead. Suddenly, he saw a figure appear before him and heard a voice say, “How long will you deny me? I died for you I have given my life for you.” He also saw that the figure’s hands had holes in them as if pierced by nails. He closed the door and the light grew brighter. Sundar peeped outside his door and saw only sheer darkness. That night he prayed for several hours pleading, “O God, if there is a God, reveal yourself to me tonight.” Before dawn early the next morning, as the time neared for the train to pass by, his room was suddenly filled with an unfamiliar glow. In December 1903, on a cold winter’s night, Sadhu Sundar Singh decided to throw himself under the Ludhiana Express, a train that passed by his home. Unconvinced that the teachings of Jesus were true, he tore up his Bible and would throw stones at any preacher he saw passing by. This crisis led him in a search for truth. Succumbing to despair, he went through a major faith crisis and even considered suicide.

hindi christian testimony

At the tenderer age of 14, Sundar’s beloved mother died. He also attended a Christian mission school to learn English but resented it and showed no interest in the Bible. His mother, a devout woman, would take young Sundar to an ascetic man to learn about God. His family belonged to the Sikh religion. Sadhu Sundar Singh was born in 1889 in Punjab, India.

Hindi christian testimony